Walla Walla Onions

Planting Instructions When the seedlings have grown to 4 inches in height, they can then be carefully lifted from the flats and transplanted to their permanent places. Soil should be cultivated carefully and all uneven clods, stones and roughage removed to allow for...

Asparagus and Rhubarb

It has come to our attention that many home gardeners and small growers are planting their asparagus roots dry and their rhubarb crowns too deep. Soak asparagus roots for several hours or overnight in water prior to planting. Spears will appear in a matter of weeks...


Blueberries demand the right climate and planting soil but take very little care if you provide suitable conditions. They are about as hardy as a peach but need a fair amount of winter chill and will not grow well in mild winter climates. Blueberries belong to the...

Blueberry Varieties

Variety Zone Fruit(season, size & flavor) MatureSize BushHabit FallColor Aurora 4-7 Late, medium, slightly tart Berkeley 5-7 Late-mid, large, mild 6-8′ Open, spreading Yellow-orange Bluecrop 4-7 Mild, large, sweet 4-6′ Upright, open Red Brigitta 5-8...

Growing Basil

Plant basil in containers or garden that has good drainage, planting up to at least 8” deep, basil requires at least 6 hours of full sun per day. Do not over fertilize, as this will cause the basil to lose its flavor. Wait until the temperatures are above 50 degrees F...

How to Grow Garlic

When to Grow Garlic is planted in the autumn, survives bitterly cold winters as an underground plant (or grows frost-hardy leaves where winters are mild to moderate), and resumes rapid growth when the weather warms in spring and bulbs in summer. In the north, plant...

Bark & Garden Center