Hummingbirds drink nectar out of deep-throated flowers primarily. So, think about planting shrubs and perennials with lots of trumpet-like flowers to attract them. Also, try to stagger bloom time to have food for them available as much of the year as possible. If you provide for their needs, they will come- and stay! Here are some plants that we carry that will attract hummingbirds to your garden:
AGASTACHE ALSTROEMERIA (Peruvian Lily) AQUILEGIA (Columbine) CROCOSMIA DELPHINIUM DIANTHUS (Pinks, Sweet William) DIGITALIS (Foxglove) FUSHIA GLADIOLUS HEUCHERA (Coral Bells) KNIPHOFIA (Red-Hot Poker) LILIUM (Lily) LOBELIA CARDINALIS (Cardinal Flower) | LOBELIA LAXIFLORA LUPINUS (Lupine) MIMULUS (Monkey Flower) MONARDA (Bee Balm) PENSTEMON (Beardstongue) PHYGELIUS (Cape Fuchsia) PULMONARIA (Lungwort)SHRUBS BUDDLEIA (Butterfly Bush) CHAENOMELES (Flowering Quince) RIBES (Red/Pink Flowering Currant)VINES CAMPSIS (Trumpet Vine) LONICERA (Honeysuckle) |